Take WhatsApp ‘last seen’ notifications for example. If you’re not great at quickly responding to messages, you can definitely do without it!
The globe’s most in-demand messaging app enables people to send content all over the world, instantly and for free. This can range from text, pictures, videos and voice calls.
Image result for How Android and iOS Users can Hide WhatsApp ‘Last Seen’ StatusHowever, when you’re sent something the sender will know you’ve received and seen it. The app’s ‘last seen’ feature will allow your contacts to see when you last used the messaging service.
How does this work? Well, if you have WhatsApp open and you’re connected to the internet, they know you have read it.
Of course, everyone seems to be on WhatsApp these days. Friends, work colleagues – even members of Her Majesty’s Government! So, if you look like you’re deliberately ignoring someone, tensions can be created.
You can try to be sneaky, but your online status will always give you away. That is, of course, unless your turn it off…
Now, we at IT Jankari would never encourage people to ignore messages. Yet, there are a lot of people out there searching for a hack to get around this problem! So, here we’ll explain how Android and iOS users can hide their ‘last seen’ status from contacts.
How Android users can turn off WhatsApp ‘last seen’
    ·         Open up WhatsApp.
    ·         Head to the Menu.
    ·         Click ‘Settings’.
    ·         Go to ‘Account’.
    ·         Then ‘Privacy’
    ·         Here you’ll find the option to hide your ‘last seen’ status!
How iPhone users can turn off WhatsApp ‘last seen’
 ·            Open up WhatsApp.
 ·         Click ‘Settings’.
 ·         Go to ‘Account’.
 ·         Then ‘Privacy’…
 ·         Set ‘last seen’ status as “contacts” or “nobody”, rather than “everyone”.
Wow, is it really that simple?
Yes, pretty much. But, as The Mirror – who have also shared this handy advice – explain, there are some other things to consider.
Firstly, you also won’t be able to see another person’s ‘last seen’ status if you don’t share yours. Still, that seems fair – right?
Also, you can’t hide when you are online or typing! Plus, if you can’t see your contact’s ‘last seen’ status, this may mean one of two things. Either they’ve pulled off this trick to hide their availability (Don’t worry, they can’t see yours either!) or you may have been blocked.